Why is creating a culture of reading at home and school important?
Overall research from The National Literacy Trust shows that:
- Children who know adults who read for pleasure take it for granted that reading is a valuable and worthwhile activity.
- Children whose home experiences promote the view that reading is a source of entertainment are likely to become intrinsically motivated to read.
- The beliefs held by children’s parents about the purposes of reading and how children learn to read relate to children’s motivations for reading. More specifically, parents who believe that reading is a source of entertainment have children with more positive views about reading than parents who only emphasise the skills aspect of reading.
- Children are more likely to continue to be readers in homes where books and reading are valued.
In other words – the single biggest factor affecting your child’s exam results and future life choices is whether or not you choose to read with your child and model for them that reading is enjoyable and worthwhile.
In order for students to improve their reading ability it is essential that they are actively encouraged to read for pleasure at home as well as in school. Please use the resources available on AGS Literacy to encourage a love of reading and to support us in our endeavour to make students understand that reading for pleasure is directly linked to academic success. Discuss their reading progress and encourage them to complete their AGS Read To Succeed Award’s Passport.